Lots of new mural art happening around West Seattle – but you don’t always hear about it until it’s done. This time, not only has there been lots of advance word, now you have a chance to voice your views on the design options! It’s about the mural going on the corner shown above, as Roxhill Elementary moves to EC Hughes in Sunrise Heights:
Friends of Roxhill Elementary invites the community to view and share feedback on three options for a public art mural to be painted at the intersection of 32nd Ave SW and SW Holden St. Artist Henry Luke has been working with the Roxhill and southwest West Seattle community to identify themes and create a concept for the mural. Informed by hours of interviews, outreach and personal conversations, Henry has imagined a story of migration and resilience, with connections to history and our shared sense of home in the shadow of Mt. Rainier.
Share your thoughts in the online form linked here [where you can see the three options]. This is the story of Roxhill, told by our community members, featuring images and people important to our history and our future. We want the mural to be a beacon of safety, comfort and hope for all people, and reflect a shared sense of identity and meaning as we move into our new school. Please keep our community’s goals in mind as you share feedback and thoughts. Thank you!
This project has been made possible by a partnership between Friends of Roxhill Elementary and Seattle Public Schools, with funds provided by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Matching Fund. The mural will be painted later in the summer and unveiled in the fall.
Work is getting close to wrapping up at the renovated EC Hughes – we’ll take you inside the school in another story coming up!