- County proposes putting hotel/motel taxes to use for affordable housing
- Capitol Hill TOD breaks ground
- Where the growth is happening in the region
- What’s up with the fans in the I-90 tunnel
- How interactive mapping helped sell MHA
- Lynnwood link construction contracts to be awarded this fall
- The case for keeping Island Transit free
- Seattle Housing Authority has a survey
- How the Koch brothers are killing transit
- Comment on the backyard cottage DEIS before Monday June 25
- Biking on 2nd avenue is way up
- REI breaks ground on new Spring District HQ
- Bellevue looking at autonomous buses
- Some bike and pedestrian fixes around town
- Seattle can’t just cut and run on bike/pedestrian/transit piece of Move Seattle
- Let’s add bus lanes
- Paid street parking but without window stickers?
Convention Place Station from Above by SounderBruce in the Flickr Pool
This is an open thread