Washington Bulb Workers picket early this morning for better pay. Andrew Eckels
We want to speak to Paulie: A week before thousands of tourists come to Skagit Valley for the annual tulip festival, Washington Bulb Company workers went on strike, demanding higher wages and better health and safety protocols. About 70 workers picketed this morning with support from Familias Unidas por la Justicia, an independent labor union of more than 400 indigenous farmworkers in Skagit and Whatcom counties. Skagit is quite the trek for Seattlites who want to show solidarity, but workers said you can help with just a phone call to Paulie.
Take action! #Huelga #justiceforfarmworkers pic.twitter.com/JR9gqJSFWC
— Community2Community (@FoodJusticeC2C)
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